Help & Support
Here you can find various help topics as well as provide feedback and report bugs.
When reporting issues and bugs it is best to provide us with the most information that you can, this includes:
- Space ID
- (Report via studio or email:
Player.log and pre-player.log for studio crashes/freezes ONLY
Log.txt for desktop issues (e.g. login errors) ONLY) - If it’s an asset issue, also provide the exact asset name.
- Video/screenshot
The Space ID can be found under the space name:
Player.log and pre-player.log can be found as follows:
Log Path: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Yahaha\YahahaStudio
Log Path: ~/Library/Logs/Yahaha/YahahaStudio
Log.txt can be found as follows:
~/Library/Application Support/com.yahaha.desktop
Sending the logs is only necessary if you experienced a crash, freeze or a login issue!