[Lua API Updates] Introducing SkySystem, WeatherSystem, and PostProcess in Horror Game Kit 1.5!

Hello everyone,

We’re thrilled to announce new LUA api that enhance our product’s functionality: the SkySystemAPI, WeatherSystemAPI, and PostProcessAPI! These tools will allow you to create dynamic and immersive environments in your projects. :partying_face:

1. SkySystemAPI

The SkySystemAPI enables you to control various parameters of the Sky and SunLight when the System is set to Sky in the Environment panel.

Key Properties:

Property Name Type Range Sample Code In-game Effect
SunActive boolean true/false skySystem.SunActive = false Turns off sunlight
SunBrightness number 0-10 skySystem.SunBrightness = 0 Sets Sun brightness
SunColor Color / skySystem.SunColor = skySystem.SunColor + Color.New(0.002,0,0,0) Gradually changes Sun color
SunRotation Vector3 / skySystem.SunRotation = Vector3.New(0, 90, 0) Sets Sun rotation
SunShadowEnabled boolean true/false / Enables/Disables shadows
SunShadowIntensity number 0-1 / Adjusts shadow intensity
SkyRotation number 0-360 skySystem.SkyRotation = skySystem.SkyRotation + 1 Rotates sky box
SkyColor Color / / Adjusts sky color
SkyExposure number 0-1 / Adjusts sky exposure
SkyBrightness number 0-1 / Adjusts sky brightness

2. WeatherSystemAPI

The WeatherSystemAPI allows you to manage weather conditions and is effective even when the System is set to Sky in the Environment panel.

Key Properties:

Property Name Type Range Sample Code In-game Effect
season string Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter / Sets the current season
weather string Clear, Cloudy, Foggy, etc. weatherSystem.SetStringProperty("weather", "Snow") Changes weather to Snow
time number 0-24 weatherSystem.SetNumberProperty("time", 24) Sets game time
cloudCover number 0-1 / Adjusts cloud cover
precipitation number 0-1 / Adjusts precipitation level
windStrength number 0-1 / Adjusts wind strength
fogIntensity number 0-1 / Adjusts fog intensity
fogColor Color / weatherSystem.SetColorProperty("fogColor", Color.New(1,1,1,1)) Sets fog color
sunriseTime number 0-24 / Sets sunrise time
sunsetTime number 0-24 / Sets sunset time
sunColor Color / / Adjusts sunlight color
moonPhase string Various phases / Sets moon phase
moonColor Color / / Adjusts moon color

3. PostProcessAPI

The PostProcessAPI allows for advanced visual effects through post-processing properties in the Environment settings.

Key Properties:

PostProcess Name Property Name Type Range Sample Code In-game Effect
Bloom Active boolean true/false PostProcessSystem.SetPostProcessValue("Bloom", "Active", true) Enables bloom effect
Intensity number 0-15 PostProcessSystem.SetPostProcessValue("Bloom", "Intensity", 1) Adjusts bloom intensity
Color Color / PostProcessSystem.SetPostProcessValue("Bloom", "Color", Color.New(1,0,0,1)) Changes bloom color
Vignette Active boolean true/false / Enables vignette effect
Intensity number 0-1 / Adjusts vignette intensity
Fog Active boolean true/false / Enables fog effect
Density number 0-10 / Adjusts fog density

Example Usage

Here’s a simple example of using the WeatherSystemAPI to set a snowy environment:

local weatherSystem = require("com.yahaha.sdk.graphics.WeatherUtils")

script.OnStart(function ()
    local weatherSetting = {
        season = "Winter",
        weather = "Snow",
        time = 23,
        cloudCover = 0.3,
        precipitation = 0.8,
        windStrength = 0.3,
        fogIntensity = 0,
        fogColor = Color.New(1,1,1,1),
        sunriseTime = 7.5,
        sunsetTime = 17.5,
        sunColor = Color.New(1,1,1,1),
        moonPhase = "FullMoon",
        moonColor = Color.New(1,1,1,1),
        aurorasExist = true,
        aurorasColor = Color.New(0,0.5,0,1)


a sample

Get Started!

Explore these APIs in your projects and see how they enhance your environments. If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out—we’re excited to see what you create!

Happy developing! :heart_eyes: